November '23 Programme

by tom MCADAM




Programme Overview


The focus of November's programme is to prepare you for the testing week at the end of the month. We've been building towards this and we're excited to see what you can all do!


This testing week will be a little different in that we won't be putting you through tests every single day. We will only be testing on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The other days will be general workouts which you can take a little easier if you're doing all the tests. 


Here are the tests:



Deadlift 1RM / push jerk 1RM / weighted chin-up 1RM



2,000m row time trial



Squat 1RM / bench press 1RM / power clean 1RM



"DT" - 5 rounds for time of: 12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans and 6 shoulder to overhead (70/45kg).



And here is the structure for the training weeks in November.


Monday Force

Full body strength: deadlift, push jerk, weighted chin-ups


Tuesday Energy

Final 2k row time trial prep: 500m and 1,000m intervals


Wednesday Work

Alternating between: gymnastics skills focus AND specific prep for "DT" with an emphasis on barbell cycling


Thursday Force

Full body strength: squat, power clean, bench press


Friday Energy

Varied workouts involving running, ergs and functional movements. A mixture of "for time", AMRAP and EMOM workouts.


Saturday Work

Alternating between: gymnastics focused WODs AND specific prep for "DT" with an emphasis on barbell cycling


Sunday Force

Full body strength: Squat, bench press, core and assistance work



7-8km long run, ~5:30/km pace



Force Programme:


This month's Force programme is all about getting you ready for 1 rep maxes in week 4. To that end, the focus will be on intensity over volume. Compared to October that will mean fewer sets and heavier weights. The goal here is to work on the skill and capacity to recruit maximal force production and grind through heavy reps.


Here is a basic overview of the month:


Week 1: build to a heavy set of 5 on slow lifts (squat, bench, deadlift) and a heavy set of 3 on the fast lifts (power clean, push jerk). 


Week 2: build to a heavy set of 3 on slow lifts (squat, bench, deadlift) and a heavy set of 2 on the fast lifts (power clean, push jerk). 


Week 3: Heavy but controlled singles on all lifts (90-95% of current 1RM). 


Week 4: 1 rep maxes on all lifts and chin up



Energy programme:


Tuesday's Energy programme will put the final touches on your preparation for the 2k row time trial. By now, we hope you've got a good idea of the kind of pace you'll be going for and we will continue to practice intervals at this target pace or a bit faster. 


Here is the basic structure for the month:


Week 1: 3x 1,000m row @ 2k target pace


Week 2: 8x 500m row @ 2k target pace


Week 3: 10x 300m sprint


Week 4: 2,000m time trial


The 2k is a test of mental grit as much as it is a test of pure fitness. These intervals will mentally prepare you for that challenge!






The Work programme will be directed towards the CrossFit workout "DT" which will be the Saturday test during testing week. One of the Work sessions in each week (either Wednesday or Saturday) will incorporate a workout similar in structure to DT. The other Work session will emphasise gymnastics skills and keep the intensity somewhat lower.




Week 1:


Monday Force


A. Deadlift - build to a heavy set of 5


B1. Push jerk - 5x3 building to a heavy 3

B2. Weighted chin ups - 5x5


C1. Bicep curls - 3x10

C2. Shoulder press - 3x10




Tuesday Energy


Rowing intervals


1x 500m @ 5-10s slower than target 2k pace

Rest 2 mins

3x 1,000m @ 2k target pace

Rest as long as you worked

1x 500m @ 5-10s slower than target 2k pace



Wednesday Work


A. Power snatch / TTB skill work


B. 20 minute EMOM

1. 5 power snatch + 6-10 toes to bar

2. Rest




Thursday Force


A. Squat - Build to a heavy set of 5


B1. Bench press - 4x5 building to a heavy

B2. Power cleans - 4x3 building to a heavy


C1. Lateral raise - 3x10

C2. Reverse flys - 3x10




Friday Energy


Partner workout

0-10 mins: run 1 mile together


10-20 mins: 150 wall balls


20-30 mins: 2,000m ski




Saturday Work




Sunday Force


A. Squat - 3x5 @90% of heavy set from Thursday


B1. Bench press - 3x5 @90% of heavy set from Thursday

B2. Pendlay row - 3x5


C1. Half kneeling wood chop - 3x8/8

C2. Weighted side plank raises - 3x10/10

C3. Weighed sit up - 3x10


ImageBy tom MCADAM
Published 01/11/23


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