April '23 Programme

by tom MCADAM




Programme Overview



Monday Force

Full body strength: tempo deadlifts, tempo overhead press, tempo pull-ups, core work


Tuesday Energy

3 sets of intervals: 10s sprints, 1 min sprints and longer aerobic intervals. 


Wednesday Work

Inversion skill practice (handstand push up, handstand hold) + metcon


Thursday Force

Full body strength: tempo squats, tempo bench press, bent over rows and core work.


Friday Energy

Mixed modality intervals mixing cardio elements with functional movements.


Saturday Work

As usual - longer, harder partner workouts


Sunday Force

Full body strength: tempo front squats, Jefferson curls, cossack squats, horizontal push / pull, core work. 



Either steady 5-7km run or intervals



Force Programme:


The strength programme this month focuses on tempo work. On all the major lifts we're working on slow, controlled eccentrics (negatives). Over the course of the month, the eccentrics get faster and the weight goes up. We stick with sets of 5 on all the main lifts for all sessions this month.


Tempo work is a fantastic way to build strength and lean muscle without taxing the nervous system or joints too much. We get a lot of time under tension which is challenging and a strong stimulus. It's also a great way to build good positions becuause it's very difficult to go slow with bad form!



Energy programme:


In Tuesday's Energy session this month we'll be working on 3 sets of intervals: 10s sprints, 1 minute sprints and longer aerobic pieces. The idea here is to target the body's 3 energy systems separately. The 10s sprints will work and improve your alactic / creatine-phosphate system, your ability to put out and maintain peak power. The 1 minute intervals will challenge your lactic / glycolytic system. The longer bits, of course, will work the aerobic system.


These sessions will be challenging as the intensity is very high. The 10s sprints will feel more like a squat or weightlifting session and have you breathing heavily in the rest periods.


You probably already know what a 1 minute sprint feels like... Approach these sessions with caution!


Over the course of the month, we'll build volume on the 10s sprints (more intervals), leave the 1 min sprints unchanged and increase the length of the aerobic intervals. 



Week 1:


Monday Force


A. Tempo deadlift - 3x5 with tempo 60x1 @ ~65% of 1RM


B. Tempo overhead press - 3x5 with tempo 60x1 @ ~65% of 1RM


C. Tempo pull-ups - 3x5 with tempo 60x1 


D1. Lying leg raises - 3x10

D2. Reverse Russian twists - 3x10




Tuesday Energy


A. 4x 10s sprints every 3 minutes (bike)


Rest 2 mins


B. 4x 1 minute sprints every 3 mins


Rest 2 mins


C. 3x 2 mins on, 2 mins off


Do parts A, B and C on different machines if you can (row, ski, bike).




Wednesday Work


A. Handstand Push Up Workshop


B. 20 minute EMOM

1. Wall supported Handstand hold

2. Hollow

3. Hang Holds

4. Rest




Thursday Force


A. Squat - 3x5 with tempo 60x1 @ ~65% of 1RM


C. Bench press - 3x5 with tempo 60x1 @ ~65% of 1RM


D. Bent over rows - 3x5 with tempo 60x1 @ ~65% of 1RM


E. 3 rounds - 15 arch ups + 15 v-ups




Friday Energy


6 Rounds 

4:30 on / 1:30 off

Rotate between A and B


A. Run 450m


10 DB snatches

10 Burpees


B. Row 500m


5/5 DB hang clean and press

10 box step overs




Saturday Work


Partner WOD 

10 rounds for time:

10 hang squat snatches 50/35kg

20 pull-ups




Sunday Force


A. Tempo front squats- 3x5 tempo  42x0


B1. Weighted cossack squats - 3x5/5

B2. Jefferson curl - 3x5


C1. Tempo push ups - 3x8  tempo 31x0

C2. Ring rows - 3x12


D1. Weighted sit up - 3x10

D2. Russian twists - 3x20

D3. Hollow rocks - 3x20 


Week 2:


Monday Force


A. Tempo deadlift - 3x5 with tempo 50x1 @ ~70% of 1RM*

*Add some weight from last week


B. Tempo overhead press - 3x5 with tempo 50x1 @ ~70% of 1RM*

*Add some weight from last week


C. Tempo pull-ups - 3x5+ with tempo 50x1 *

add a rep if you felt good last week


D1. Lying leg raises - 3x10

D2. Reverse Russian twists - 3x10




Tuesday Energy


A. 5x 10s sprints every 3 minutes (bike)


Rest 2 mins


B. 4x 1 minute sprints every 3 mins


Rest 2 mins


C. 2x 3 mins on, 2 mins off


Do parts A, B and C on different machines if you can (row, ski, bike).




Wednesday Work


A. Handstand Push Up Workshop


B. 15 minute AMRAP


10 Power cleans - 60/40kg

12 Box jumps




Thursday Force


A. Squat - 3x5 with tempo 50x1 @ ~70% of 1RM*

*Add some weight from last week


C. Bench press - 3x5 with tempo 50x1 @ ~70% of 1RM*

*Add some weight from last week


D. Bent over rows - 3x8 with controlled negative


E. 3 rounds - 15 arch ups + 15 v-ups




Friday Energy


6 Rounds 

4:30 on / 1:30 off

Rotate between A and B

A. Row 500m


5/5 DB hang clean and press

10 box step overs

B. Run 450m


10 DB snatches

10 Burpees


*Last week flipped



Saturday Work


Partner WOD

Performed as NY minute alt 20min EMOM. 

10 Power Snatches 





Sunday Force


A. Tempo front squats- 4x4 tempo  42x0*

*Heavier than last week


B1. Weighted cossack squats - 3x5/5

B2. Jefferson curl - 3x5


C1. DB bench press - 3x15-20

C2. Barbell bent over row - 3x10-12


D1. Weighted sit up - 3x10

D2. Russian twists - 3x20

D3. Hollow rocks - 3x20 


Week 3:


Monday Force


A. Tempo deadlift - 3x5 with tempo 40x1 @ ~75% of 1RM*

*Add some weight from last week


B. Tempo overhead press - 3x5 with tempo 40x1 @ ~75% of 1RM*

*Add some weight from last week


C. Tempo pull-ups - 3x5+ with tempo 40x1 *

add a rep if you felt good last week


D1. Lying leg raises - 3x10

D2. Reverse Russian twists - 3x10




Tuesday Energy


A. 6x 10s sprints every 3 minutes (bike)


Rest 2 mins


B. 4x 1 minute sprints every 3 mins


Rest 2 mins


C. 1x 5 mins


Do parts A, B and C on different machines if you can (row, ski, bike).




Wednesday Work


A. Handstand workshop


B. 20 minute EMOM

1. Handstand holds / drills

2. Hollow rocks

3. Hangs

3. Rest




Thursday Force


A. Squat - 3x5 with tempo 40x1 @ ~75% of 1RM*

*Add some weight from last week


C. Bench press - 3x5 with tempo 40x1 @ ~75% of 1RM*

*Add some weight from last week


D. Bent over rows - 3x8 with controlled negative


E. 3 rounds - 15 arch ups + 15 v-ups




Friday Energy


6 rounds. 1 round every 5 mins:

15 wall balls

10 box jump overs

500m row



Saturday Work






Sunday Force


A. Tempo front squats- 5x3 tempo  42x0*

*Heavier than last week


B1. Weighted cossack squats - 3x5/5

B2. Jefferson curl - 3x5


C1. DB bench press - 3x15-20

C2. Barbell bent over row - 3x10-12


D1. Weighted sit up - 3x10

D2. Russian twists - 3x20

D3. Hollow rocks - 3x20 



Week 4:


This week, we move to pause work!


Monday Force


A. Pause deadlift - 3x5 with 4s pause just off ground* @60-65% of your 1RM

*Lift from the ground and pause 1cm off the ground. Lifts will be touch and go.


B1. Pause bench press - 3x5 with 4s pause just off chest* @60-65% of your 1RM

*Lower the bar to your chest, lift 1cm and pause there for 4s. Then up.


B2. Gorilla rows - 3x8/8*

*Use a two KBs


D1. Reverse DB lunges - 3x8/8 alternating

D2. Push ups - 3x10-20 (choose a number which is challenging but that you can do in one continuous set)

D3. Straight arm plank - 3x30s




Tuesday Energy


A. 10 x 30s on, 30s off


rest 2 mins


B. 10 x 30s on, 30s off


rest 2 mins


C. 10x 30s on, 30s off


Parts A, B and C on different machines (row, ski, bike). Aim to work hard but keep pace consistent across all sets. Note: this is NOT an all-out 30s sprint!




Wednesday Work


A. Handstand push ups - 5 sets, every 2 mins. 

Choose a challenging but sustainable number. Adapt movement where needed. 


B. 5 Rounds for time

15 DB Push Press

10 DB Box Step ups




Thursday Force


A. Pause squat - 3x5 with 4s pause just above bottom* @60-65% of your 1RM

*Lower to the bottom of your squat and pause for 4s, then drive straight up. Make sure you pause in an active position where you are working isometrically. Don't just sit in the bottom of a passive squat!


B1. Pause overhead press - 3x5 with 4s pause just off shoulders* @60-65% of your 1RM

*Lift from your shoulders and pause 1cm up.


B2. Ring pull up - 3 sets


C. 3 rounds, 90 seconds rest after each round

(i) DB RDL - 6/6

(ii) Dips - 10

(iii) L-sit - 30 seconds




Friday Energy


3x10 minute EMOMs 

3 mins rest between each

Score is in cals


A1. Row cals

A2. 20 wall balls


B1. Bike cals

B2. 15 burpees


C1. Ski cals

C2. 25 kettlebell swings



Saturday Work






Sunday Force


A1. Pause front squats - 4x4 with 3s pause 60-65% of your 1RM

A2. Half kneeling single arm KB press - 4x8/8


B1. Weighted cossack squats - 3x5/5

B2. Bridge work - 3 sets



C1. DB curls - 3x10

C2. DB skull crushers - 3x10


D1. Weighted sit up - 3x10

D2. Russian twists - 3x20

D3. Hollow rocks - 3x20 





ImageBy tom MCADAM
Published 26/01/23


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